Tuesday, April 1, 2014

30 Days of Blogging: Your Goals for the Month

1. Finish This Link-Up
Seems minimal right? Well with my schedule thinking of getting on here every day will be hard but dang it...I'm gonna do it!

2. Finish My Photo a Day Challenge
Just one more thing to keep updated on every day but if I check them both at the same time I should keep on track!

3. Get Everything in My Living Room Unpacked
Ugh...I hate moving but I hate all of the boxes still in my living room more! One room at a time and in no time I'll have everything in it's place and a place for everything. It feels good to get rid of some of the junk I'm lugging around for no reason and the boxes of things I've gotten rid of already are proof of that. 

4. Get All of My CDs and DVDs Put on Their Shelves (in Alphabetical Order...)
This may seem minimal but if you could see all of them you would understand...maybe I'll post pics when this is done! 

5. Start Sorting ALL of the Scentsy Family Stuff I Have Scattered Through My House
Again...seems minimal but there are boxes of boxes of boxes of Scentsy Family items and a whole room dedicated to it that I need to get organized, I'm hoping to get everything at least separated and in the process of making a plan of how to put it back in there. 

6. Figure Out What to Do With Our Yard
Ugh! I hate the yard at this house (maybe because my parents took care of the first one and did all of the landscaping etc for me before we got married or even lived together.) I just want to scrap it all and start over but that isn't an option. We just need a game plan of how we are going to make this new yard work! No complaints on the amount of space we just need to get it into tip top shape now. 

7. Plan My Next Scentsy Family Team Meeting
I feel bad that I haven't had much time for the lovely ladies and gentlemen on my Scentsy Family team and I need to change that. I need to plan out a time to get together with all of them and catch up and help all of us get motivated to get out there and get our businesses back up and running full steam ahead. 

The rest of our things are sitting in the garage now but I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel now. 

9. Get My Kitchen Table Moved In
This is what will happen if I get my living room unpacked and cleaned and the walls painted. 

10. Stock My House With Groceries
This seems like a tiny thing but if you think about the fact that I haven't shopped for groceries in MONTHS it is pretty big. Gonna cost me a lot but it will bet worth it to have something to eat at home and not have to eat out all the time. I just look forward to looking in the fridge and not wondering what on earth I might be able to eat. 

Check back tomorrow for more fun!!

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