Wednesday, October 23, 2013

My First Blog Award! :)

I'm so excited to say that I have my first award for my blog. Thanks to Kelsey at Keeping Up With Kelsey!
 This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers...the award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another. Here's what you have to do: 
1. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves. 
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to. 
3. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post. 
4. Go back to their page and tell them about the award. 
5. No tag backs. 

My 11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I would love to run away to the Czech Republic and never come back. I love the history of the country and am proud to have ancestors from there and fell in love with the country when I spent 10 days there.
2. I hate to drink water unless I'm super dehydrated. YUCK!
3. I am always on time...Stefanie time...which is either right on time or a few minutes late.
4. I have certain pieces of jewelry I have to wear or it drives me crazy. If I don't have earrings in my bottom holes I will go somewhere to buy some.
5. I hate pennies...I gift them to friends with children for their piggy banks all the time. Maybe I am rich and just give it all away?!
6. My friends hate going anywhere with me because I know someone everywhere...per my friend world is not small...I have a very big big world.
7. I am a total geek at heart! I love new technology and constantly am buying new things. (Best Buy is very bad for me sometimes!)
8. I love sushi and would eat it every day if I could.
9. I sing karaoke whenever I can and know words to way too many songs. I often wonder how I have room for anything else in there.
10. I am constantly making lists and if I could schedule everything...I would. (And then be late to what I scheduled...OOPS!)
11. When I have dreams I look up the meaning in a dream dictionary. I think everything has symbolic meaning and with some of the crazy dreams I have it helps me to realize that if there is alternate meaning then I am not just on the verge of a mental breakdown. LOL

My 11 Questions from Kelsey:
1. What TV series are on your DVR list?
The saddest day of my life is when we canceled cable. (Ok I'm kidding but I no longer have a DVR so I'll share what we watch on Hulu since that's where we catch up on shows.) Currently we are watching Grey's Anatomy and Mistresses but also like watching Beauty & the Beast when it's on. I watch Betrayal most of the time when Brad is sleeping. Everyone is trying to get hooked on Breaking Bad so we have watched an episode or 2 of that but I'm not hooked yet. I watch lots of different shows depending on my mood.
2. Main reason you began blogging.
To keep family and friends posted on what is going on in our lives and as a way for me to destress sometimes. I love to write so this is a way for me to do it and share it with the world! :) 
3. Where do you see your blog going in the future?
I will continue to blog and I hope that others begin reading. We live a very busy lifestyle so I hope that friends and family that don't live close by can keep up to date on what we have going on. 
4. Ever played an instrument?
I played violin in elementary school, flute from elementary through highschool, and accordion for the last 5 or so years. Yes...the accordion and we own 13 of them!
5. Which social media site are you the most addicted to?
Facebook, mostly because all of my other social media pages are linked to Facebook. I run 10 or so pages and groups on Facebook so I'm constantly checking on things. (Brad HATES that I'm on there so often!)
6. Any guilty pleasure's you'd like to air out?
I hate shopping for almost anything but I LOVE to shop for office supplies. Nothing makes me happier than a pack of post it notes and a new pen.
7. How many fbook pictures are your profile?
Can't check while I'm at school...I'll get back to you on this one...
8. Reasoning behind your blog name?
Our last name is Husak and we're sharing about what is going on in our Household. (So original you know!) 
9. Have you ever tried to sue someone?
No but there are times I would have liked to...wouldn't we all?HA
10. How did you find my blog? (Keeping up With Kelsey)
That Kelsey chick is my girl! :) Our dads were good friends growing up, we were Czech Queens together, and then she was the first person to join my Scentsy team.
11. Bath or shower?
Shower for sure...I could stand in there for an hour and be happy. It's the one time that nobody bothers me and I can just relax. ( long as Brad isn't home...he'll stand in the bathroom and talk to me the whole time if he is home.)

My 11 Questions for My Nominees:
1. If you had to choose a last supper, what would you choose?
2. If you could go back to any era, which era would you go back to and what fashion trend would you rock?
3. What is your ultimate goal for your blog?
4. How would you describe the perfect home?
5. If you got $1 million dollars and had to give it all away, how would you share it?
6. If you could meet one celebrity, who would you meet and why?
7. If you could have any profession (real or made-up) what would you choose to do with your life?
8. Would you rather have someone clean your house every day or do your hair and make-up and dress you every day?
9. If you lived the life of a TV character, who would you be?
10. What piece of technology can you not live without?
11. Do you know where your ancestors came from (your heritage) and does your family celebrate anything special from their culture?

My Nominees:
1. Tonja @ The Sullivan Good Life
2. Raewyn @ Be a Warrior Queen
3. Suzi @ Chores & Chandeliers
4. Kate @ Crazy Lovely Me
5. Nicole @ Prairie Princess 
6. Rachel @ Raves & Revelations
7. Kelly @ Today Was a Fairytale
8. Meghan @ Life is Good
9. Callie @ My Something New With You 
10.Shelly @ Minettes Maze
11.Nicole @ Our Humble Webb

This was lots of fun and thanks again to Kelsey for the nomination. I hope the girls I nominated have as much fun with it as I did! :)



  1. Aw shoot girl, you know I had to nominate you!!

  2. Oh em gee, of your 11 random facts I would write 9 of them (I'm not Czech so I don't think I would be THAT excited and I completely fail at jewelry besides my engagement ring).

    Thanks for the tag girl!! <33 How in the world have you been?

  3. Ah, Stefanie time...I did not think you were a sushi girl at all though!

    Glad I've yet to post my Liebster award since I have more questions to answer now :) Oh and you will to when I'm done! lol Thanks girlie :)
