Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Thankful Project (Part One)

I'm way way way behind so I decided to catch up by doing a few at a time instead of posting a new post for every day I missed. I hope you enjoy reading a few things I'm thankful for. Thanks so much to Kenzie @Chasing Happy for starting this fun little link-up.

November 1: A Person
I'm incredibly thankful for my husband. I know…I know…cliché but right now I can't think of any that deserves more thanks. With going to school full time and working part time he's keeping things going for us. He's keeping up on laundry, cleaning, and bills and doesn't complain about it. (Well most of the time but we can all only take so much.)

November 2: Role You've Played
I'm thankful I've had the chance to play the role of sister. I know that while my brothers and I have had our ups and downs we have each others back until the end. Not only blood siblings but I have a sister-in-law and many adopted sisters and brothers to add to the list. Of course you can't forget my little sister I gained in the national pageant, Stephanie will always be my little sis and someday she'll run for queen (when I put in her app for her…I keep threatening.)

November 3: A Place
I'm thankful for the Czech Republic and the time I got to spend in it. I've meet some amazing friends from the Czech Republic they made me love it even more but I fell head over heels in love with the country the minute I stepped off the plane.

November 4: An Experience
Being Miss Czech-Slovak US 2010-11. This was something I had dreamed of since I was a little girl and it seemed so far out of reach. I think my heart jumped out of my chest the moment they called my name and I think it took the whole year for it to soak in that it had actually happened. Many many miles later I was standing there giving a farewell speech. Thankfully my farewell speech wasn't a farewell at all but instead a change of my role in the Czech-American community.

November 5: Talent You Have
I love that I have musical ability. I love to sing more than anything but have enjoyed learning several instruments over the years. I played the violin in elementary school from 4th through 6th grade and played the flute from 5th through 10th grade. Then, of course, in 2009 I started to learn to play the button accordion. Even in my childhood years I wrote about how I was going to be a famous singer someday. :) I may not be famous but my love of singing has never changed.

November 6: A Failure
My attempt at a degree in computer programming. Ok…let's be honest…me sitting at a desk programming all day every day? This failure lead me to getting my business degree which lead me to cosmetology school, which I am LOVING. I'm thankful that I realized that this program wasn't for me (with a little help from a teacher that was terrible to me and turned me off of it all together but hey…everything happens for a reason right?!)

November 7: A Job
Photographer for NV Photography and Vocasek Productions. I fill in for my little brother when he can't be at an event right away and work with him at big events for his photography business and photo boot.  I'm also good at posing people for photos and making sure all of the details are just right so it's a ton of fun. I'm honored to be able to help him out and we have a blast working together so I'm just super thankful to help him out whenever and however I can. I just need to learn to be a bit more comfortable with his camera and figure out how to make photos look good with all the smoke in a bar and I'll be set! :) I love that every day I learn a little more with it.

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