Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A Time for Change

I know I made my list of hundreds of things I want to change and a few have been acomplished! YIPPEE!! As you may have noticed there are many things on that list that have to do with my overall wellbeing. I haven't been healthy for the past few years and I have no excuse as to why that is other than I am LAZY!! It's so much easier to eat junk than to cook meals. It's so much easier to sit on the couch than go work out. That time is over and I'm truly happy about it.

A few weeks ago I decided to try going to the chiropractor for the first time. I've always wanted to go and after several sleepless nights because I was waking up in pain I called and made an appointment. The office had left flyers in the breakroom at Best Buy several months back for a free consultation and I took one thinking maybe someday I would go. It sat in my car and I happened to run across it that day. A sign or a coincidence, I'm not sure but I made the call. The office doesn't just focus on issues with your back etc but on your overall health. I really liked everyone there and was told to come back in 2 days to review what was found from the x-rays etc. In the mean time I talked to a classmate of mine about going and she told me her son went once a week since he was only months old. We talked more and I found out that her son started going due to digestive problems. With all of the stomach problems I have I thought it was odd that this had come up and gave me hope that maybe...just maybe...this would help with other things I'm having issues with. Upon meeting back up with my chiropractor he asked that I come in several times a week to fix some issues between my shoulders and also in my neck. So far it's been great and I haven't woken up with pain. I know that nothing is the miracle cure but if something helps, I'm willing to give it a try!

Around the same time I made my first appointment, Brad decided he was going to go tour the gym we both used to go to when we met. He has finally decided to make some changes of his own and we ended that day with 2 memberships to the gym (I told him if he joined he had to get me a membership too!) Part of joining was a meeting with a personal trainer for a Jump Start session. I met with Tanner a few days later and got my BMI measured, got weighed, and got some general circumference measurements. We talked about my goals and what I was going to do to make them happen. (How did he know I am OBSESSED with goals?!) Here are the things I listed to him (most of which are already on that crazy list mentioned above.) Things I want to achieve are lose 10lbs, shop outside of the plus sized section, and weigh less than 200lbs. (You all know my secrets now!) The things I'm going to do to achieve these things are go to the gym 3 times a week, plan meals for 5 days a week, and start tracking on MyFitnessPal again.

A few days after this meeting I went back for my free hour long personal training session. I forgot how much more I work when I have someone there to keep me going! After running the stairs 5 times and listening to him say "Miss Czech-Slovak US is coming out of retirement!" I wanted to kill him....but I kept going. He asked me after every set how the weight was and I told him time and time again "Eh...it was ok" to which he increased the weight. He told me by the middle of the workout most people realized this and quit telling him it was ok. Not me...I wanted to push myself and I did. That was last Wednesday....I finally had most of my muscle control back...YESTERDAY! It was awesome and I'm hoping to continue to work out with him and keep moving in the right direction.

So the plans now include continuing to go to the chiropractor and continuing to work out at the gym. I'm hoping to meet with the nutritionist at the gym to get a plan together with her to keep on track with my eating and hoping to schedule some more personal training sessions. I just want to be healthy and know that being healthier will make me happy and we all want to be happy right?!

I have to give one last shout out to a couple of people that have inspired me to make these changes in watching their amazing success. Laura and Dana you girls are amazing and watching you do it makes me know I can do it too! Love you ladies and keep up the good work!


  1. I swear by my chiro!! He does full wellness too and i love it. I always feel so fixed.

  2. Yay!!! I'm so proud of you! I've noticed your subtle changes for the last year but it's great to hear you're getting out to the gym and doing your thang! Can't wait to see more of your amazing results...and Brad's too :)
