Thursday, August 29, 2013

Wife to Wife Link-Up

New link-up time! Saw this on my feed today and thought it would be a fun new linkup! It's all about wifeys and how they make things work. :)

What are some things/topics that you do not see eye to eye on?
Do you have a compromise or just forget about them? 

Overall we do pretty good on agreeing about the important stuff. We both want children and want to raise them with old fashioned respect. We don't want them to be loaded up on sugar and caffine at all times and stuck behind a video game or on their phone at all times. We both want to move to the country before we start a family and have a laid back house full of love and fun. But of 2 people can agree on EVERYTHING! Here are a few things we go back and forth about if we talk about it...

This is a big one for the 2 of us ESPECIALLY this year. My family has always been a very busy family and I definitely took after my parents. I am in school full time right now about 35 hours a week and working 25 or so. On top of this I add being a part of the Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant committee and running my Scentsy Family business with 25 people in my downline that I do my best to help out. Brad is working overtime at work every week plus playing polka bands through Nebraska nearly every weekend. Most days we're lucky to cross paths and very lucky if we get to spend a portion of the evening together. While I keep saying that when I'm done with school it will be better he always says he sees my family and knows that I'll just fill the time with something else. I'm hoping that this something else is spending time with family and friends that I've lost touch with in this crazy lifestyle!

Chevy vs Ford
Well this one is always a touchy one at our house! I was raised in a Ford family (by a dad and grandpa that made a career out of working on cars so the OBVIOUSLY know what they're talking about.) At some point Brad was lead down the wrong path (his dad used to be a Ford guy too but I think Brad corupt him) and started liking Chevy. He even got a tattoo on his ankle of the Chevy symbol (poor poor guy has to live with that embarrassment forever.) Someday I'll teach him...

I am very opinionated about polotics so this one is never a safe option. LOL! Then again...where is it? I have strong opinions about how our country should be run and why things are the way they are and we have learned it is just safer for everyone if we don't discuss...basically we cancel eachothers votes out when it comes to voting time. Luckily he only votes in presidentail elections and I vote every chance I get...I've only missed one election since I was old enough to vote and it was a small one so I feel a little bad but I've done a lot better than most 27 year olds!

Well since I'm 27 and Brad is 36 we don't see eye to eye on technology. I am on my phone a lot and very "connected" and he thinks it is just too much. I agree that things are misinterpreted often because of text messaging or a digital message of any type but it is so much easier for me to contact someone and deal with a situation via digital communication most times and not get tied up on a phone call for hours. I work a lot via the internet with my Scentsy Family business and Brad can't figure out just what I'm doing on the computer for hours at a time. (He also doesn't understand the hours I spend reading through all of my Bloggie Buddies posts and seeing what is going on with all of you!) I don't know if we will ever see eye to eye on this one because in this case we were truly rasied in a different era and don't understand how it was for the other! We got our first computer when I was 5 and had video games before that and he didn't really have any of that until he was in college or shortly after.


  1. Thanks for linking up! My Dad is a Chevy guy and my hubby loves Dodge. The conversations that he and my Dad get into crack me up.

  2. Yea, it's always funny when we get into it. :) I actually had issues with my Mustang overheating and my dad took it into his shop to look at it. He said he found a Chevy symbol behind the radiator and that was the problem. While he was telling the truth that there was something behind the radiator (a black fuzz that covered the whole back of the radiator) he had to get the dig in to my husband because it was on the radiator in what looked like the shape of the Chevy bowtie. Of course if there was a Chevy symbol anywhere near the engine...that was the problem.
