Tuesday, August 13, 2013

300 before I'm 30 (3 Year Goals)

So I realized a lot of people were doing the 101 in 1001 lists and I started to think I wanted to participate. I thought about it and figured out I was turning 30 in 3 years. In my normal overachiever ways I decided to make a list of 300 things to do in 3 years or before I'm 30. :) Here it is! I'll keep you all posted on what I'm achieving through the next few years. Let me know if you wanna help me out on any of these or do them with me. I would also love to see your lists so be sure to post a comment with your list so I can check it out.

Eventually I want to get this organized but for now it's just a crazy long list! This list is running from 8/13/2013 to 6/28/2016 (1050 Days)
  1. Date my husband once a week for 2 months
  2. Go Camping (in a TENT) with Brad
  3. Be a Mommy
  4. Take a weekend away with Brad at least once a year
  5. Get a “family” photo every year
  6. Take a class together
  7. Surprise Brad with gifts for a week straight
  8. Write a list of 100 reasons that I love Brad and give it to him
  9. Wake up and make Brad breakfast every morning for a week
  10. No TV in our bedroom for 2 weeks
  11. Take over family dinner and cook so mom doesn't have to
  12. Have a Mother Daughter Day with Mom
  13. Have a Daddy Daughter Day with Dad
  14. Spend a day with my older brother Mike
  15. Spend a day with my younger Brother Nic
  16. Have a Sisters Day with Harleena
  17. Go on a trip to visit family in Texas
  18. Go on a trip to visit Grandma in South Dakota
  19. Go on a trip to visit Brad’s cousin in Minnesota
  20. Host a Vocasek party and get all of the Vocaseks together
  21. Host a Bowen party and get all of the Bowens together
  22. Host a Husak party and get all of the Husaks together
  23. Host a Rejda party and get all of the Rejdas together
  24. Take Family Pictures with Our Whole Family
  25. Create a family tree and make it as in depth as possible
  26. Make a family calendar every year
  27. Go to church every weekend for 3 months
  28. Do daily devotions every day for a month
  29. Volunteer at church
  30. Join a small group at church
  31. Attend 3 Mix social events at church
  32. Pray every day for a month
  33. Redecorate our bedroom (using wedding photos)
  34. Have a week long staycation
  35. Go skydiving
  36. Cook 10 pinterest meals
  37. Get and complete a wreck this journal
  38. Quit my part time job
  39. Sing the national anthem at a sporting event
  40. Complete 10 pinterest crafts
  41. Organize laundry room to be blog post-worthy
  42. Find a way to make guest room work well as a guest room AND Scentsy office
  43. Learn how to crochet
  44. Sell at least one home made craft and sell it
  45. Get another tattoo
  46. Get another piercing
  47. Sing with a live band (polka band NOT included)
  48. Do a bride's hair for her wedding
  49. Go on a real vacation
  50. Change out all photos in frames in our house
  51. Read 30 new books
  52. Watch 50 new movies
  53. Send out a Christmas newsletter
  54. Create a “life binder”
  55. Go to 5 concerts
  56. Go to an outdoor concert
  57. Sew something and use it or wear it
  58. Go to 3 Husker Football Games
  59. Go to 6 Lincoln Stars Hockey Games
  60. Go to 3 Lincoln Saltdogs Games
  61. Go to a Husker Volleyball Game
  62. Go to a Husker Baseball Game
  63. Go to a Husker Basketball Game
  64. Take a photography class
  65. Take piano lessons
  66. Learn to play 2 songs on guitar
  67. Learn to play one song with both hands on piano
  68. Learn how to drive a stick...well
  69. Graduate with my Cosmetology degree at College of Hair Design
  70. Get my Cozy license
  71. Volunteer somewhere new
  72. Walk in a walk for a cause
  73. Perform 10 random acts of kindness
  74. Read every night before bed for 2 weeks
  75. Learn to play chess
  76. Go to a chiropractor 
  77. Visit a theme park
  78. Ride a new roller coaster
  79. Go mini golfing
  80. Go bowling
  81. Learn to golf (or at least try)
  82. Go fishing
  83. Go snowboarding
  84. Apply to be on a reality show
  85. Join a sand volleyball team
  86. Paint something
  87. Go horseback riding
  88. Write in a journal for a month
  89. Get CPR certified again
  90. Go shooting enough to have good aim
  91. Visit the Mall of America again
  92. Go see Mount Rushmore & Crazy Horse again
  93. See the Stockyards in Fort Worth again
  94. Go to a NASCAR race
  95. Go to a NFL game
  96. Go to a live musical
  97. See a comedian live
  98. Mail a secret to Post Secret (postsecret.com)
  99. Leave 10 random notes to others (scentsy-theone.com)
  100. Visit the Lincoln Zoo
  101. Visit the Omaha Zoo
  102. Go Deer Hunting again
  103. Shoot a deer on my own
  104. Go to the circus
  105. Go on a picnic
  106. Embroider something on my own
  107. Sing in a choir again
  108. Learn to play the bass hand of the accordion
  109. Learn to sing 10 new Czech songs
  110. Be a part of the Miss Czech-Slovak US Pageant Committee
  111. Host another "Czech It Out" childrens’ Czech festival
  112. Crown YCN royalty
  113. Host a Nebraska Polka Festival at Pla Mor
  114. Learn more Czech
  115. Own another full vintage kroj
  116. Sew a kroj on my own
  117. Learn how to bake kolace well and bake a batch on my own
  118. Judge a Czech/Slovak Pageant
  119. Learn to play Taroks
  120. Add a Czech tradition to a holiday celebration
  121. Get together with our wedding party every year for our anniversary
  122. Be in a wedding
  123. Reconnect with 10 friends that I haven't "had time for"
  124. Have a girls weekend away with friends
  125. Buy a new house
  126. Buy a new car
  127. Get a digital SLR camera
  128. Get a new couch/couches for our living room
  129. Lose the baby weight from pregnancy
  130. Be a vegeterian for 2 weeks (and try to get my husband to do it too!)
  131. Home make all meals for one week
  132. No eating out for 1 month
  133. No soda for 1 month
  134. Lose 10 lbs
  135. Lose 20 lbs
  136. Lose 30 lbs
  137. Lose 40 lbs
  138. Shop outside of the plus size section
  139. Drink 9 cups of water every day for 2 weeks
  140. Walk the dogs 3 times a week for a month
  141. Take a dance class
  142. Join a gym
  143. No alcohol for 2 months
  144. Run in a 5k
  145. Do 3 more photo a day challenges
  146. Blog every day for 2 weeks straight
  147. Blog 3 times per week for 2 months
  148. Have 250 views on my blog in one day
  149. Have 100 fans on my blog
  150. No social media for one week
  151. No cell phone for 3 days
  152. Be a part of 3 more Cara Box exchanges
  153. Write a review on 3 products on my blog
  154. Do a giveaway on my blog
  155. Be a Scentsy Director
  156. Have 20 people in my direct dowline with Scentsy
  157. Have a team of 50 in my Scentsy business
  158. Be a Grace Adele Trendsetter
  159. Be on stage for Scentsy Annual Mentor Award
  160. Help someone in my downline promote to Director
  161. Have someone join my team as a Grace Adele Consultant
  162. Have someone join my team as a Velata Consultant
  163. Have a Re-Launch Party
  164. Host a multi-vendor event
  165. Hit $50,000 in Lifetime PRV
  166. Earn an incentive trip
  167. Go to Scentsy Director Boot Camp
  168. Go on a bike ride
  169. Publish a book
  170. Put a 500+ piece puzzle together 
  171. Send 20 birthday cards
  172. Send 20 thank you cards
  173. Participate in a snowball fight
  174. Build a snowman
  175. Write something in the sand
  176. Donate blood again
  177. Bake cookies from scratch
  178. Bake cupcakes from scratch
  179. Learn to play the Dudy
  180. Own a Dudy
  181. Jump in puddles after or while it rains
  182. Own chickens
  183. Own a goat
  184. Kiss under mistletoe
  185. Take a train somewhere
  186. Go on a hike
  187. Stand on the Skydeck in Chicago
  188. Ride the ferris wheel on Navy Pier in Chicago
  189. Spend the night somewhere that is haunted
  190. Go to a Casino and spend $100
  191. Visit a water park
  192. Go to Hot Springs and swim again
  193. Start YCN dance group
  194. Create YCN bylaws
  195. Hold one fundraiser for YCN
  196. Start YCN classes for heritage, language, etc.
  197. Go go-carting
  198. Go on a cruise
  199. Visit carhenge
  200. Sell something on Craigslist or LinConsign
  201. Buy something on Craigslist or LinConsign
  202. Post my 100th Blog Post
  203. Try a restaurant that looks totally sketchy on the outside
  204. Eat at a restaurant I’ve heard nothing about
  205. Be able to do 20 pushups at one time
  206. Be able to do 100 situps at one time
  207. Travel outside of the US
  208. Post a YouTube video worthy of 1,000 or more views
  209. Buy a lottery ticket
  210. Write a love letter to my husband
  211. Write a poem
  212. Dress up in a costume
  213. Fly a kite
  214. Tour the Nebraska State Capital
  215. Visit Morrill Hall
  216. Visit the Sheldon Art Museum
  217. Attend a play at the Lincoln Community Playhouse
  218. Test drive a car
  219. Walk through a house during an open house
  220. Grow out my hair for a year
  221. Ride in a small airplane or helicopter
  222. Stand on pointe in pointe shoes
  223. Rent and stay in a cabin
  224. Take a sign language class
  225. Take my first child on a playdate
  226. Get my first child baptized
  227. Go to the races in Eagle
  228. Try raw oysters
  229. Grow vegetables in my own garden
  230. Go skiiing
  231. Fly somewhere
  232. Go to a movie by myself
  233. Go to the Pioneers Park nature center again
  234. Go paintballing
  235. Participate in a flash mob
  236. Be in a musical
  237. Have a caricature of me drawn
  238. Dye easter eggs
  239. Carve a pumpkin
  240. Teach each of my dogs a new trick
  241. Ride a mechanical bull
  242. Go to the Renaissance fair
  243. Record a CD
  244. Visit Vala’s Pumpkin Patch again
  245. Visit Roca Berry Farms again
  246. Throw someone a surprise party
  247. Vote!
  248. Enter something into the State Fair
  249. Go to a drive in movie theater
  250. Be within the healthy weight range for my height
  251. Go to the city library
  252. Start at my first job as a cosmetologist
  253. Get cable again
  254. Try to play a violin again
  255. Let go of something I’m holding on to because of the memories and realize the memories aren’t within an item
  256. Order room service at a hotel
  257. Leave on a trip with no destination in mind and see where we end up
  258. Send out 100 compliments on Facebook in one day
  259. Make a donation to an organization I believe in
  260. Help build something (a structure etc.)
  261. Help host a radio show
  262. Write a will
  263. Take an old-time photo with Brad
  264. Go to a horse race
  265. Go blonde
  266. Attend a UFC or UFC style fight
  267. Move to the country
  268. Own a cat
  269. Find a 4 leaf clover
  270. Watch the sun rise and set in the same day
  271. Re-paint my nails every day for a week
  272. Go to the Chicago Hair Show again
  273. Get my hair cut or styled on stage at a hair show
  274. Play a prank on someone
  275. Write a list of 100 things that make me happy
  276. Add a fun color to my hair (blue, green, pink, purple, etc.)
  277. Do a burnout in a car
  278. Ride on a horse drawn carriage
  279. Run every day for a week
  280. Paint a wall in my house a bright or dark color (not neutral)
  281. Attend the Nebraska state fair
  282. Attend the Iowa state fair
  283. Win a contest
  284. Sew a quilt with old t-shirts
  285. Visit teachers at each of my schools again
  286. Plan meals for a month
  287. Have a housewarming party
  288. Meet a celebrity
  289. Go to a wine tasting somewhere new
  290. Learn to drink coffee
  291. Have a board game night with friends
  292. Have a card night with friends
  293. Buy food for a homeless person
  294. Do the polar bear plunge
  295. Go to a Rodeo
  296. Do a butterfly release
  297. Own a hammock
  298. Have a slumber party with girlfriends at my house
  299. Inspire someone to start a list of goals
  300. Start a new list


  1. Wow! Very ambitious, but surprisingly quite a few are easily doable! Good luck, love your inspiration and your heart.

  2. Thanks Nicole! I didn't want to make things that weren't achievable. I knew if I was going to make a list this long it a lot of it had to be things that I can check off the list and feel like I'm moving forward in the list. :)

  3. New to following your blog! But if you sing the national anthem at a sporting event, you better post a video! Haha! I think that would be so neat if I could actually sing!!

  4. Thanks for reading! I plan to post updates and will definitely post a video if I do! :)
