Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Meet the Hubby

Well I guess you should meet the man that made me Mrs. Husak to learn about our household. :) So blog-friends meet Brad!

Since he's not a blogger...I'm going to interview him and post his responses...this could get interesting ladies and gentlemen.
Tell us about yourself Brad:
Well, I'm over worked and under paid, over screwed and under sexed, and everything I eat turns to crap. (**Note from Stefanie: I warned you guys!!!**) I always tell my wife she works me like a rented mule but she says she wouldn't work someone elses mule this hard!
Tell us about your childhood:
My family didn't have a lot of money but I learned to appreciate things more becuase of it. I was taught at an early age not to feel sorry for yourself, if you look around you will always find someone who has it worse. I grew up in Columbus, NE as the only child of Joe & Charlotte Husak. My dad was my best friend and it was very tough to lose him this April but we know he's watching over us every day. Mom still lives in Columbus with their dog Buffy and calls often to make sure we know she cares and worries bout us. I learned to play the accordion at age 12 and this became a big part of my life in later years.
What do you do for work?
I maintain all of Garner Industries mold tooling. I have my degree in Machine Tool from SCC in Milford and also serve on their advisory board.
So back to this accordion thing?
I started playing because my uncle had an accordion and I thought that it would be fun to learn. My dad helped me get my first accordion and start lessons and later on her basically managed my band by putting together jobs and musicians. I know I couldn't have done it myself! I met Stefanie at a Czech event and started teaching her accordion. This is how we spent time and got to know eachother before we stared dating.
Anything else you want to share with the people of Blog-Land?
While things are busy and sometimes stressful I know that the Husak Household will be full of love and we will keep you posted as our household grows! ;)
Brad & Stefanie Husak

1 comment:

  1. Household... growing?!?!
    Oh, we can only hope that they don't GROW tall like Stef ;)
